
Warm bodies sub indo
Warm bodies sub indo

R insists that Julie stay with him for a few days, until he deems it safe enough for her to leave. She starts trusting him after he rescues her during a failed escape attempt and finds food for her. Julie is terrified of R and suspicious of his intentions. He rescues her from the rest of the pack by wiping some zombie blood on her face, masking her scent, and takes her to an airplane he resides in to keep her safe. Perry's memories increase R's attraction to Julie. After being shot in the chest by Julie's boyfriend, Perry, R kills him and eats his brain while Julie is distracted.

warm bodies sub indo

R sees Julie and is drawn to her his heart beats for the first time.

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While R and a pack of zombies are hunting for food, they encounter Julie Grigio and a group of her friends, who were sent by Julie's father from a walled-off human enclave to recover medical supplies. As a zombie, R does not have a heartbeat and constantly craves human flesh, especially brains, as he is able to "feel alive" through experiencing the victims' memories when he eats them. R and M achieve rudimentary communication with grunts and moans and occasional near-words. About eight years after a zombie apocalypse, R, a zombie who cannot recall his name but believes it began with an "R", spends his days wandering around an airport which is now filled with his fellow undead, including his best friend M.

Warm bodies sub indo